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https www alamy com principles of economic zoology zoology economic trematoda class 11 trematoda the class trematoda is comprised of worms either internally or externally parasitic the body is usually thicker than that of the turbellarians the form is usually leaf like though it is sometimes elon gated the anterior end is distinguished by the arrange ment of suckers and in some of the external parasites by eyes fig 23the common liver fiuke fasciola hepatim enlarged to show the anatomic characters ac acetab ulum c p cirrus pouch t intestinal ceca m mouth with oral sucker ov o image232236186 html

https www alamy com the anatomy of the domestic animals veterinary anatomy tuber eoxii ilium sf7i acetabulum ischium fig 191left os coxe of pig lateral view tuber sacrale crest of ilium lesser tuber sciatic ischii notch auricular surface obturator luo peetineal fvrameu eminence pubis acetab ular branch fig 102left os coxe of pig j bones of the pelvic limb the os coxae is long and narrow the ilium and ischium are almost in line with each other and nearly sagittal in direction the wing of the ilium bends out ward much less than in the horse or ox the gluteal surface is divided into image236802950 html